Sue (trainer)

With Sue’s love of working with children and also helping and caring for others she started her career as a Teachers’ Aide in 1999. During this time Sue acquired various beneficial interpersonal skills such as compassion, empathy and encouraging others to follow their dreams.
In early 2019 Sue decided to do exactly that, follow her dreams and pursue a career in Holistic Therapies.
Holistic Therapies have always been a passion of Sue’s, even when she was a child she would make up concoctions from flowers, herbs, plants and mud from her Grandfather’s garden as well as perform ‘Hands On’ healings to family and friends when they weren’t feeling well.

Sue has come along way since her Grandfather’s garden and has a lot more life experience and knowledge. Her passion for working

with and alongside others is still as strong as ever, and so is her eagerness to continue learning and sharing her knowledge about bringing the Mind, Body and Souls back to a state of Peace and Harmony.